Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

When the "Bully" is not around..!!

Do you know which day of the week is the most delightful? Sunday..because that's a holiday.

Or the day, when the "Bully" is not!! 

Such news that he is not going to come for next couple of days is like the sweetest music that my ears could ever hear. What a joy this news brings! News fully soaked in perfect blend of unimaginable exhilaration and fulfillment...Yaaaayy....Sheer bliss!! 

Workplace, usually a busy-place, becomes fun-place in those days. Work-pressure, that crushes our minds in peak hours, seems to have become lighter than a feather. Those low-speed "sarkaari" ceiling fans that are never able to cool us suddenly start soothing our blazed away spirits. That hard chair (more of an antique piece) starts comforting my tired being much like a couch. The extended lunch chit-chats and giggles bring in much needed peace of mind. 

The persistent respite blows the day away in the blink of an eye. I can't put that hale feeling into words. It's never a burdensome day, it never gets that clumsy, when the "Bully" is not around!

Talking about the routine, those unnecessary battles of ideas that we go through everyday are enough to suck out all the energy from a person. But the "Bully" is never tired of them, because his imaginary supreme intelligence says that he's always right!!

Such a golden time arrives only once in a blue moon, when you don't have to worry about anything; be it the unnecessarily created hype towards work, or the meaningless demands for related explanations. You don't have to bother about a bully often spewing venom against co-workers, or termites who gnaw away all your inner peace. That short span of freedom from the master of menace who openly belittles his sub-ordinates every now and priceless!! 

PC: Google Images

Long awaited "blissful times"...
When the "Bully" is not around!
Joyful days...
Leisure...Relieved ears...Relaxed mind...Ease at work...
Simply wonderful!!

That's why they say..."Good things come to those who wait (faithfully  ..)"

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